
Thank-you for taking an active interest in the Sydenham Fall Fair. This long standing tradition could not continue without the help and support of wonderful people like yourself. There are 4 key ways which you can help ensure you are doing your part to keep the Sydenham Fall Fair going for generations to come.

1. Encourage

The easiest and probably most important way you can support the Sydenham Fall Fair is by encouraging your children to take part. Here are some suggestions on how you can do just that:

  • take a look through the FAIR BOOK so you are familiar with what projects your child can undertake

  • keep project supplies on hand so the next time your child has a free afternoon or says "I'm Bored!" then you will be ready to go with a fun activity

  • order your child a CRAFT KIT or RACING KIT to assemble over the summer

  • sign up for the GARDEN CLUB and plant a garden with your child

  • help them raise a GOAT, PIG, LAMB, MINIATURE PONY or CALF for the animal clubs

  • help them to show off the family pet at our PET SHOW

  • "LIKE" the Sydenham Fall Fair on FACEBOOK so you can keep up to date on all important information about the fair

2. Volunteer

It takes a whole lot of helpful hands every year to put together the Sydenham Fall Fair. Here are just a few ways your time could be of use:

  • Attend the fair with your child’s class (speak with their teacher)

  • Become a member of the Fall Fair planning committee and share your ideas with us.

  • Help the committee seek out and secure new sponsors.

  • Help with our fundraisers.

  • Help with registration, set-up and/or take down the week of the fair.

  • Demonstrate or run an agricultural activity at the fair.

  • Bring child friendly livestock to the fair.

  • Bring and display your farm machinery at the fair.

  • Show off your own skill/talent that would be helpful to our planning committee.

If you are interested and able to volunteer please email:

3. Sponsor

Do you own or represent a business that could help support the Sydenham Fall Fair?

Every year over 800 local children and their families participate in the Sydenham Fall Fair. We are always on the look out for new partnerships, donations of products, services, cash or gift cards.

If you are interested in sponsoring the fair please email:

4. Donate

The Sydenham Fall Fair awards monetary gifts to all its winning participants. If you, your family would be interested in donating funds to help ensure that the Sydenham Fall Fair continues please contact:

The Sydenham Agricultural Society also has an endowment fund with Community Foundation Grey Bruce. If you would like to make a contribution to the Sydenham Agricultural Society Endowment Fund please contact Community Foundation Grey Bruce.

Community Foundation Grey Bruce           519-371-7203